Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Spending Time

Went back to work today after an extended holiday and got to thinking about what a luxury it would be not to have to work anymore. There are still 15-20 years of focused work required for us to meet our retirement goals. Got me to wondering: Is the prospect of taking time off--whether it's a vacation or an extended sabbitical--easier for DINKS like us than it is for folks with kids?

I think vacations are probably an easier prospect--theoretically cheaper and/or easier to plan--no babysitters required.

But what about taking time off for an extended period? Would that be any easier for our two-person family? Certainly there would be fewer people impacted--just The Boy and myself. But I think we are burdened by the same velvet shackles that everyone else is. We have a way of life, commitments, and the work we do fuels the travel we do now and the retirement we will have later. As I've mentioned before, that retirement plan is more important for us because there won't be anyone around to pick up the slack for us.

But are we cheating ouselves? Even something as seemingly insignificant as moving and changing jobs gives us great pause. We don't want to upset the status quo. It's comfortable. But as a couple with fewer people commitments and more disposable income, should we be taking greater risks and seeing more of life? Given the decisions we've made, do we owe it to ourselves to experience more?


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