Thursday, December 29, 2005

Christmas is for kids?

We had our annual Christmas party this year to celebrate the season and my Mom's birthday. For the first time ever, many of our friends asked if they could bring their kids. We had to tell them it was an adults only party. We felt badly, but our house is just not kid friendly--no toys, no DVD set up, lots of dangerous stairs. We knew there were a few kids who would behave, but others that would run amok.

So here's what we decided. We went ahead and had the adults only party this year. Next year we will cordon off our third floor and provide a playpen, toys, blocks, video games and videos. And we will hire a baby sitter or two to watch everyone's kids. That way all the people we love can attend the party if they want to--whether or not they can find a sitter. Some of you might think we are coddling our parenting friends too much. But I care about these people and their families. That's what the holidays are about. Now, I didn't want their screaming kids at my wedding (and honestly hardly anyone I knew had kids back then), but this is different. The season is about caring for people and spending time with them. It's the least I can do for people who bring so much to my life.

Speaking of great people, we spent some great quality time with our friends D and J from Seattle. They left their 9 month old in the care of his mom and they spent a couple of adult days alone, just hanging out, going to movies, out to eat, etc--things they haven't been able to do so much of since H came along.

Those two are so cute. They are very cognizant of the non-parental world. They apologize when they think they are telling too many baby-centric stories or making strangers look at baby pictures, but they are just so gosh darned adorable, you just don't care. Two people who love and respect each other, love their kid and still like to let loose every once in a while. They are GREAT PR for having kids--if that's what you're into.


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